Saturday, 10 October 2009


Organising a Peace event in this town (and obtaining support for it) has never been easy but it has now become almost impossible. It is as if the population here exists in a suffocating apathetic vacuum and is quite content to do so. Ulverston Peace Group activists encounter exactly the same problem. Despite this, campaigners try to keep the flame of peace alight in this sea of darkness.
A final attempt to hold a public meeting on alternative employment is being made and letters have been sent to the secretaries of Barrow and Ulverston Trade Union Councils asking if their members are prepared to offer some assistance with the event. Previously, it proved impossible to arrive at a suitable date because Barrow TUC meets but once every THREE months. Our speaker would offer a date well before Barrow TUC met or, when a compatible date was arrived at, the Studio theatre at Forum28 was not available or a major performance was being held in the main theatre opposite the noise of which would intrude on any Studio meeting. Most frustrating.
In the meantime, John Hutton MP has resigned from his position as Secretary for Defence and inviting him to now attend a debate would not carry quite the same weight as before, especially as he does not intend to stand in next year's General Election. His successor has not yet been chosen. Should we invite Terry Waiting of Keep Our Futures Afloat (proTrident replacement fleet), borough councillor and BAE employee? Well, we can try but it is likely that, as he chickened out of taking part in a debate with Bruce Kent some time ago, he would certainly find himself 'otherwise engaged' on any future debating occasion.
Once we've got a date agreed we'll send him an invitation and see what transpires.
Barrow Peace Council now has funds to meet the cost of hiring the Studio theatre; we just need to find dates in November or early December when that theatre may be available and hope our guest speaker finds one of these convenient.